Friday, October 25, 2013

Miss Rory's First Birthday Vintage Strawberry Shortcake Party

I'm definitely the sort of mother who forces her children to relive the 80's.
After throwing numerous "boy" parties over the last 13 or so years, all of which have been in the dead of winter, to say I was thrilled to not only be hosting an outdoor summer party but one for my little girl would for sure be an understatement!

The top photo was my inspiration.
I luckily still have my Strawberry Shortcake vintage twin size sheets, which I used as the food table cloth, and several of my dolls, which were part of the center pieces.
I used two other vintage flat sheets as table clothes, as well.
I made most of the decorations myself, along with the help of my crafty Aunt Nora, and Cousin Nikki ( who owns a Cricut!)
All of which were nothing difficult or too fancy.

I started planning and crafting a few months prior to the August party!

The weather was perfect that day and we were blessed with a lot of family and a few close friends who helped our baby girl celebrate!
Here are the photos from the big day!

 (Don't ya love my mismatched lawn furniture? haha We were in the process of painting it but ran out of time. We had a very rainy summer here in Ohio!)
I made the pennants and wreath.
I always use that old washtub as a cooler. 

 I made her cake, which melted in the sun and I used old blue mason jars to hold paper decorations I made. I planned on buying a few bouquets to put in them too, but Mommy brain took over and I forgot. 
Go figure! Story of my life!

And there you have it! A darling party for a very special lady!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

God is good!

GOD is the ultimate teacher.
HE really speaks to us too!
HE likes to instruct us!
HE wants us to be a fruit bearing Christian that HE can be proud of!
We need to confront our sin and carnal ways.
We need to seek THE LORD
Pray, have faith, and grow spiritually!

GOD gets in us and changes us from the inside out!
Cooperate with THE HOLY SPIRIT and let HIM make the changes within you that need to be made!
Worry about yourself and not what is wrong with everyone else!
Be a full on, passionate, seriously committed Christian!
Reach that place of transition in your life!
Learn to be Christ-like in your behavior, no matter what.
Be motivated to make that sort of commitment to GOD and never back-off of it!

Enjoy your life here on earth!
Have peace!
Be respected!
Be fruitful!
Deeply walk in THE SPIRIT!
Live beyond what you think, want, and feel!

GOD wants to reveal HIS truths to us about us!
Stop running!
Face it!
Fear prevents your destiny!

Now I just need to remember all of this and apply it daily, if not minute by minute! I'm my own worst critic and boy do my thoughts stray from what is righteous, good, and pure! But GOD'S truths NEVER fail. I'm finally, slowly but surely realizing there absolutely is no way I can do this thing called life, live it to the fullest, and with fulfillment, joy, and peace without The ALMIGHTY LORD JESUS.

Listen to GOD

GOD never calls anyone to be beat up and abused!
It's not what HE has for you!
Stand up!
Confront it!
Refuse it!
Say, "I'm not going to live like this! I'm not going to let me or my children be treated badly! "
Don't ever let anyone tell you or make you think you're worthless!
Never ever, no way!
Don't judge your worth and value by how others treat you!
Do judge it by what GOD has to say about you in HIS WORD

Don't hang on to people that discourage you or suck every ounce of faith out of you!
GOD will tell you to part company sometimes.
Those who hold you back or are a terrible influence.
Get to know GOD really well!

Me, Me, Me, and More Me

~ GOD~
~My Husband~
~Our Children~
~Extended family and Our Friends~
~Crafting, Sewing, Crochet~
~Cooking and Baking~
~Party Planning~
~Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake Bites~
~Duck Dynasty~
~DIY With the Hubs~
~31 Bags~
~Oragami Owl~
~Girly Things~
~Thrifting and Antiques~
I pray and I trust in THE LORD for everything and lean not on my own understanding.
I hope to glorify HIM and use gifts and talents to bless others, spread HIS WORD and show the world HE truly is a GOD of love, kindness, forgiveness, provision, redemption, transformation, and restoration!
Beauty from ashes? Yep! You bet ya!
That's exactly what GOD did for our little family!
HE is amazing beyond measure, patient, and faithful!

So let's embrace together and all of it's messy, sometimes complicated glory!
JESUS meets our mess and radically transforms our hearts if we believe THE GOSPEL of
GOD is fascinating.
HE uses our winding, twisting roads to grow our souls and shape our faith.
Embody your core beliefs.
Create space for your passions to flourish.
Our lives should reflect our roots.
Align with JESUS and raise the bar!

The Gift of Motherhood

As mothers we are perfectly capable of putting our family in a spiritual environment and
showing them it is FUN to be a Christian!
Who would have thought, right?!?!

Family is my world created in love, so I take it very seriously!
Parenting is definitely a journey.
But I have learned that if I try to cultivate a growing faith in my children, I'm also strengthening my own!
SCRIPTURE says in DEUTERONOMY 6 to take up the commandments of THE LORD
and impress them upon your children!
I just love that!
A love of JESUS CHRIST us truly a lifelong gift for our children and we need only lead by example!
Parents are the #1 influence on their child's faith and strength when they reach adulthood!

The greatest gift you can give your child is the knowledge of how to have a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST!

I desire to nurture my children's hearts.
I know there is hope for me as an imperfect mom and that I don't have to be perfect anyway!
But I do have to be a mom who shows my children where to go to be transformed.
Parenting is planting seed.
Only GOD can grow, plant, and produce fruit!
Anything we do apart from CHRIST is not of eternal value.
For my kids to see in me my desperate need for CHRIST is a good thing!

A Moment to Rest

For me, NOTHING melts stress away like a good book!
Whether I want to be inspired, instructed, or simply entertained, a book can lift me up and away from the cares of my busy day and take me into a world of beauty and adventure.
Where oh where does a busy mom find the time to slip away into the world of words?
If 15 minutes is all you have, then 15 minutes is all you need.
Don't worry about being able to finish a whole book or even a chapter in one sitting.
Just pick up your book and read as much as time allows.
It is okay if it takes weeks or even months to finish.
The type of reading you choose is completely up to you, as well, obviously!
You may prefer the escape provided by a good novel.
You may enjoy the inspiration of a devotional or beautiful gift book.
Perhaps you are drawn to the enrichment offered by a nonfiction biography or even a self help/
Christian wisdom book?
The point is, whatever your tastes, choose something that captures your interest and inspires you.
The great thing about reading is that you can do it about anywhere: in the car while you're waiting to pick up the kids, in bed, on your porch swing as they play in  the yard, in the doctor's office as you wait to be seen, at work on your lunch break, on your couch as your husband watches sports, or while the kids nap even!
Wherever you choose, a quiet moment to re energize awaits you!
When you need a spurt of inspiration or a nudge of creativity, stop for a few minutes and give yourself a book break!
Every mom needs a few quiet moments into the world of words.
As you make your reading selection, don't forget the most captivating book of all time~
Often called the GOOD BOOK or THE WORD
contains fuel for your imagination, directions for living, power for changing circumstances!
My children love to snuggle in my lap and read aloud and listen to me read a good book to them!
Talk about making memories and quality time!
They enjoy the magic of the words and the joy of being close to me.
You can experience that same kind of closeness with GOD as you read THE BIBLE!
THE LORD'S words will resonate with your heart, filling your being with hope,
encouragement, wonder, and praise!

Pen and Ink

When I write things down, it's usually so I don't forget them.
As a mom, I sometimes have a tight schedule and lots of lists.
I'm actually known as a compulsive list maker and a
lover of cute notepads, journals and the like, including
ink pens, highlighters, and even white-out!
Probably not normal, right?
But how else am I going to keep up with everything?
There actually is another important reason to write things!

Doing so releases my unique creativity and re energizes my inner self!
Keeping a journal has long been a cherished activity.
Yes, I was that freckle faced little, dreamy girl with a lock and key diary
full of all my deepest secrets, doodles, thoughts, gripes, ambitions, stories, mod podged keepsakes, etc.

Many people, young and old, rich and poor, famous and obscure, have understood the power of
writing down their thoughts as a way of expressing themselves.
So I challenge you to just write as your heart speaks to you, whatever GOD has placed there,
delving seep into your inner self.
After all, writing can help you discover so many things about yourself.
It can help you identify your gifts, and talents, joyful things, and add fulfillment to your life!
You will gain perspective and discover aspects of your temperament and personality that you may never have known even existed.
Open your heart and mind and let your pen lead the way!
Writing is an invaluable tool in unburdening your mind and heart, sorting out solutions and creating a record of personal and spiritual growth.
And writing your thoughts can make you feel good, too!
It also helps you look back and see where you've been and how GOD has worked in your life so you can hope and pray about tomorrow!
 If you've never enjoyed the sensation of a pen in your hand to feel it slide smoothly across paper, it could be time for you to discover this pleasant, rather therapeutic art!
Select appealing paper or better yet a pretty journal, a good pen, a naturally lit corner, and a cozy chair, then for a few minutes let the thoughts and word flow!
You won't be sorry!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dare to Dream


 The dreams you dream are a prelude to greatness.
They challenge, inspire, and give purpose to our lives.
You CAN make your dreams become a reality!
...a DREAM fulfilled is a tree of life.
Take a break and let your heart fly free!
Turn your thoughts to what you enjoy most.
As your dreams take shape, don't just dash off to the next thing, stay for a while!
The FIRST step to making your dreams come true is to make them your own!
Dream the impossible dream...Dreaming it may make it possible...
It often has!
Dreaming keeps hope alive in our lives.
Hope nourishes our spirit.
It refreshes and renews.
Follow your dreams.
You ARE destined for greatness!
GOD has a clear and perfect plan for you!

We are GOD'S workmanship, created in CHRIST JESUS to do
good works, which GOD prepared in advance for us to do.
If you've felt the joy of living slipping through your fingers,
a DREAM season may be in order!
Go! Get started right away!
Give yourself time, because most dreams take awhile
to come fully into being.
Ask GOD to inspire your dreams.
HE is eager to fill your heart with the full intent of HIS
marvelous plans for your life!
Don't put limits on what GOD wants for your future!

Hey! I think I can make that, ya know? Momma has a glue gun and knows how to use it!

                         As a crafter/do-it-yourselfer, I believe I am most definately are a designer!
  "Bask in" the revelation that I'm certainly leaving a legacy to pass on to future generations!
                                                             How awe inspiring?
I can't imagine any of my children growing up without a creative outlet.  A relationship with sewing, crafting, cooking, building, gardening, writing, etc. ~  Whatever their preference may be!  I'm a firm believer that teaching a child to "do" those sorts of things is one of the greatest joys a Momma can experience!  What other "career" allows you to create alongside your family?
I was creative, even as a child. But I never dreamed it would become my refuge, friend, passion, nemesis, "me time", or even lead to a future career!

It is important for me to allow myself the "time" to be creative, because without creativity how can I imagine?  Being a crafter has opened doors to limitless possibilities for me :)  Expressing my creativity, as in life itself, I grow when I challenge myself.  The concentration required to learn a new technique or craft idea is good for both my hands and brain!  I don't sew, bake, garden, etc. to just "make" things.  There are often far faster and cheaper ways to obtain the finished product.  I do it to make myself happy!  Peace! Joy! Relaxation!  For a sense of accomplishment! I'm in charge of getting the most joy out of my own creations. Plus it just makes me feel good! Being a crafter is so much more than OCD behavior, it is, afterall, the only
healthy addiction I know!

About Me

Bonjour!.....I'm Dana

Mucho thanks for stopping by, so now that you're here, why don't we share a cup of joe & get to
know one another?!?!...A chatty meet & greet!


First things first, ok? I'm a momma who is blessed beyond measure and I'd love to share my family with ya!
Kevin (the husband):
blue eyed, tall, & handsome
I call him "my love"
known to be a good guy, hard worker, & steller provider
He makes me desire to submit & strive to be a Proverbs 31/Titus kinda woman
I'm convinced I got me a keeper
Colton (the teen):
newly a teenager
does me proud
imaginative, creative, quiet, & shy
a creature of habit with a kind-hearted, old soul
full of wit , humor, & charm
loves pizza & meat loaf
gets the BEST big brother award
Colby (the charmer):
known to be a spunky, one-man circus
charming, funny man
dancing machine
idolizes big bro with jealous tendancies
loves cheese (ironic?)
delights in attention & praise
frowns on lack of said attention
Rory (the princess):
beautiful & jolly
full of sass, zest, & personality
loving & affectionate
loves manderine oranges
missed the "good babies" sleep through the night memo
always smiling & blowing kisses
Dana (voice of this blog)
What can I say?
I love the Lord, my husband, children, & being creative
a servant's heart
fulfilling my destiny
not an enjoyer of mornings
possesses a mice phobia