Hello world!! It's been a shockingly looonnnnggg time since I've posted (except for a TMI post back in June 2015 that I've since deleted). That will be a whole other post in the very near future.
Life kinda gotta got in the way that's right! I'm a mom cliche and I've really neglected my blog. Tear.
Now on to the spiritual, messy stuff.....

As Jesus says in the Gospel John 10:10, "The thief comes ONLY to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life; and have it to the full." NIV .
We are battling a very persistant Devil who only comes to extinguish any glimmer of hope, ambition, confidence, initiative, and dreams that we may possess! I kept believing his lies! You know the sort of self deprocating thoughts, right? Example:" I'm stupid! Not an eliquent, intelligent nor a writer. I have nothing of meaning or wise to say. Noone likes me. I'm ugly. Fat. Failing as a mom and wife, miserably, daily. Noone cared what I had to say or would even read my blog and if they did they wouldn't find it useful." Yeah! you get the point, I'm sure! I TOLD you this next part was gonna be messy! So it is VITAL to my confidence and well being that I ONLY rely on God's Promises and what He says about me!
So even if it very well may be the case and noone but me and my family ever reads my blog that is still no reason to stop! So I'm gonna keep on keeping on and do my mommy blogger thing reguardless! If for no other reason than to chronicle our family life. My memoirs will be the legacy I leave my children! That is reason and inspiration enough for me. Though I do feel the Lord prompting me to say that we should share our testimony, whithout shame, embarrassment, etc. Transparency is a good thing! A healing thing! A beautiful thing! Jesus loves us no matter what. His love never fails. He is my Rock! My strength! Without Him I am a mess! Duh! I'm sure you get that by now!
So watch out internet I'm back! I'm fierce! I'm brave! And so are all of you beautiful mommas!! I'm a beautifl mess! I'm a struggling Jesus girl, mommy, wife, and blogger! And remember in those dark, trying times to never give up! We are all in this together. As MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International proclaims www.mops.org "Better moms make a better world!" (side note: if you haven't already, I strongly recommend you find a MOPS group near you. If your baby/prek season is a thing of the past, there is also MOPS Next! I will do a blog post singing all the glories of this organization and the impact it has had on my life very soon, as well!)
And until next time...
Much Love!
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